Lasse Jellum

Deeper than diet

Keto, Vegan, Paleo, Mediterranean, these might be useful frameworks, but they say surprisingly little about what and how you eat, and how your food is nourishing you. Mostly, they are voluntary limitations we have to be conscious of, and design around.

With experience from a wide array of approaches, I take an agnostic, personal and highly practical approach to nutrition.

Starting with the data that mattes: Exactly what amounts of nutrients do you get on a daily basis?

From there, we optimise for your constitution, challenges, stress levels and goals. With or without any framework you have found to serve you.

Making stress work for you

Does your challenges make you weaker or stronger?

As we decrease the biological stress burdens of micronutrient insufficiency, chronic inflammation and circadian mis-alignment, we also add strategic, measured stressors that increase capacity and resilience. All while monitoring your recovery and autonomous balance.

Better yet, you learn to feel where you could back off, and where it would gain you to push forward, a nuanced skill reserved for the few wise men and women in our society.

(c)2019 Lasse Jellum